Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Pointers: July 26, 2010

D4:Weird Adventures
Trey at The Sorcerer's Skull has announced his blog posts about The City will become a setting product for Classic D&D style games. I have to love the cover which is a brilliant homage to both the original PHB and classic pulps such as Weird Tales. I am bit surprised no pulp classes will be added, but it is just a setting not a full game.

D6:In my world drunken masters use the number of drinks so far this session
An old post, from last year, but one I just read. The idea of kung fu numbers reminds me a bit of cherries in Unknown Armies and are exactly the kind of low rules, low impact thing I've come to love in games. I don't need pages of rules to do cool stuff, just an imagination trigger. Like random tables, one that springs surprises on you tends to work best.

D8:Speaking of more combat crunch
The comments on the above link lead me to this post over at Sham's Grog and Blog that introduces 15 modules (plug-ins) that can add options to your D&D combat. What's interesting is you could probably mix up which ones you use when to get the right feel for a given combat.


  1. Thanks for the mention of Weird Adventures, Herb! Rest assured, I do plan to do some pulpy classes/class variants, but those will appear on my blog and then maybe get collected and expanded in a publication.

    I'm taking the sort of original Talislanta approach of giving the setting, which can be used with any system anyone might which, and system stuff separate.

  2. Trey, you're welcome. I'm always happy to point at creative and interesting stuff.
