Friday, May 13, 2011

Random Thoughts

I have several almost finished May Project items in the hopper. Expect to see them in a torrent today and tomorrow.

I'm taking a mulligan on this Monday's Pointers and re-running the full one next week along with the regular ones.

Working on the May Project has me considering importing something for D&D4 into OSR format: D&D4 rituals. My creation from the fourth story in Sword & Sorceress along with the Cages of Joneky along with the various wizard dueling rules in the OSR has me thinking about just what a spell represents.

Work is keeping me really busy as is my Lady (still in that NRE period) which has affected posting some.

The Mad Genius of the OSR pulled a quote from my Vornheim post. The only caveat I'll ad is I wrote the original post based on the PDF and I was wrong. Vornheim in book form is MUCH cooler than I thought.

I have Lady Gaga's Fame Monster on repeat and just ordered a copy of Revised Vampire: the Masquerade on eBay.


  1. I did the same thing with Lady Gaga not too long ago. Though, don't over load on it; because then you'll get sick of hearing it and it will be on the radio anyway!
    Happy Weekend!

  2. I think everyone is on the Lady Gaga train. With the release of her new album and how great it is, how can you not? I think everyone has a little monster in them some where :)

