Friday, April 29, 2011

Some of the Other Ideas

Given I'm moving the blog to a project centric style and inspired by Redwald (which you are reading, right?) I thought I'd list some of the other projects I have in the hopper.

Return of Prior Ideas

House of Atreus: A return to the idea I've called space monks.

Demon Haunted World: Equal parts Buffy and Harry mixed in with a touch of eighties rock.

New Ideas

The Gernsback League: Working title for a science fiction superheroes setting in the marvelous future of 2525. The main influences are the other world of The Gernsback Continuum (not the story itself, but the world Parker sees), the visuals of movies like Just Imagine, and, of course, The Legion of Superheroes (which arguably initially was set in just such a future).

Miss Elizabeth's Guides: An Georgian/Regency influenced space setting drawing heavily on British/French rivalry during this period as well as some Jacobite material. It would really constitute the other side of the cluster of my monthly Stars without Number game at the local D&D meetup (which began with the effort to make Lord Byron King of Greece). It is named for a popular series of travel books for young ladies in the setting.

Magical Jane: Which could easily be called the fantasy version of Miss Elizabeth's Guides.


  1. Miss Elizabeth's Guides


    If you're taking votes, this, please thank you.

  2. Interest can certainly influence my choices.

  3. Yeah, was just about to say there's not enough Georgian stuff. I like the idea of a Georgian fantasy setting, but space would be spiffy.

    Are you in the States? I ask because there have been a couple of great uk crime dramas worth checking out for inspiration. City of Vice which is a fictionalized account of Henry Fielding setting up London's first police force the Bow Street Runners. And Garrows Law about legal champion for justice Willaiam Garrow (each case is based on one of his actual cases). THere was also a short docu called At Home with The Georgians about the Georgian obssesion with their homes. Which while not quite as exciting was interesting.

    Anyway, even if you can't track those down you must, and Damn yer eyes sir, I say must and mean must, purchase a copy of 'Lobcocks and Fartleberries: 18th-Century Insults to confound Your Foes'. If you don't sir, well then you're no more than a Vice-admiral of the narrows seas and undoubtedly covered in grogblossoms to boot!

    Oh, year thanks for the mention. :D

  4. I am in the states but I'll see if I can find all of those. I've seen Lobcoks and Fartleberries before.

    As a huge fan of Jane Austen, Frederick the Great, and the Romantic Poets I am very disappointed in how much the Victorian Era overshadows its direct predecessor. If one is generous and includes the reign of Queen Anne the period includes the entire modern rivalry with France, a great amount of invention, and the Hellfire clubs just to name a few things. In fact, the former and the later will be in Miss Elizabeth's Guides along with a large Austen influence (because the idea of Miss Elizabeth Bennett as a stellar travel writer is too good to pass up).
