Over at Grognardia James M. makes an interesting, but justifiable, addition to his Pulp Fantasy Library: Chariots of the Gods
D6:Herb's Horrendous Hiccups
Want a free copy of the next edition of Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy RPG? Well, come up with a prizing winning level one magic user spell. Even if you don't come up with the winning entry you'll have helped create a great resource of first level spells available under the OGL.
D8:My Memory, it is strange
Of course, the first ancient aliens appearance in the OSR to my memory was the heavy influence of Richard S. Shaver's tales of underground mind controlling dero had on Scott's World of Thool. Although the brilliant and very odd Thool is gone for a large part you can still find Shaver's works online.
It's been a short list today, but I've been busy. For those wondering where this weekend's posts went, I screwed up and posted notes for upcoming entries, but starting this week Inspirational Art will start alternating with Inspired Creations which will draw on prior iterations of Inspirational Art for actual things I'm trying to use in game.
Speaking of in game, I'm looking to start an alternate Sunday evenings campaign set in The World After. Long term I'd like to start a third campaign as well for the alternate days featuring the latest ideas for A Demon Haunted World.
Finally, I hope to get a summary of the first four sessions of Crusade Beyond the Door up this week, hopefully followed by tomorrow's fifth session.
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