I found this by a Google Image search for art nouveau elf. While this image isn't the one I found I think it's a great inspiration for D&D.
This image is titled "Sacred Weeds" and to me invokes the The Wild or a Mythic Wilderness.
Championing tabletop role-playing games as the most accessible form of public creativity and self-expression.
>Obviously I've been gone *way* too long...that sounds like something you'd
>see in a D&D campaign...
>Alden (the old one)
Yes, but in D&D, the Savory Toasted Cheese has six hit dice, a cholesterol-based attack, and dissolves leather, wood and flesh. (Dire Savory Toasted Cheese has nine hit dice.)
Of course, "the old Alden" *also* sounds like something you'd see in a D&D campaign.
... or maybe a Toon campaign.